where are they from? they are so fun. (i have the crappest vocabulary, I'm terribly sorry). I would go for the snakeskin if it's bigger, big bags are just what I like. I've always wanted a carpet bag like mary poppins where I'd just keep puling stuff out, you know, and then people would always say 'who knows where alanna finds all those random (amazing) chanel jewellery pieces that just kind of appear everywhere around her' god, if only
ooh, i like the second one better. but then, i also love the first. damn, get them both if you can. although i hate when people say that, like "oh just get them both daaaahling" as if your disposable income is the same as paris hilton's or something.
i love the snakskin, very glamourous but kind of urban as well. if that makes any sense
where are they from? they are so fun. (i have the crappest vocabulary, I'm terribly sorry). I would go for the snakeskin if it's bigger, big bags are just what I like. I've always wanted a carpet bag like mary poppins where I'd just keep puling stuff out, you know, and then people would always say 'who knows where alanna finds all those random (amazing) chanel jewellery pieces that just kind of appear everywhere around her' god, if only
ooh, i like the second one better. but then, i also love the first. damn, get them both if you can. although i hate when people say that, like "oh just get them both daaaahling" as if your disposable income is the same as paris hilton's or something.
snakeskin dar, metallics time is going to end whereas I'm pretty sure snakeskin doesn't really date. Plus it's damn freakin' awesome.
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