Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hip Like a Hipster PDA!

I promised so here you go.
These are my top picks from the recently posted Cobrasnake Pictures.
I'm not in my top witty shape today-blame the shitty plane seats and the shitty hour I landed at.

thecobrasnake cereal#9372

It's seems like CK wants to look like a demented insane ward charge, but then agan maybe it's just me?

thecobrasnake cornflakes#0069

The man has yet to understand the meaning of no. Does speak to the hand hold no meaning to Mark the Cobrasnake?

thecobrasnake cereal#9772

Girl: "Neeeeee!"
High, Drunk or simply lacking in IQ?

thecobrasnake teargas#9755

Sh'es pretty, but wouldn't she be better off with out the "hey look i'm dj'ing" pose?

thecobrasnake cereal#9626

(this is pretty cool. and takes guts to be seen in public with)

thecobrasnake hotcoachella#0945

She's turning tricks in her diaper shorts. This is a sad day for ho's everywhere.

thecobrasnake cinespaceisgreat#7309

Girl on Left: " What did you kill for that coat?"
Girl on Right: "Big Foot, duhhhhh? Who'd you think started marketing those Hats?"

www.thecobrasnake cornflakes#0189

Off too war in facepaint and an ugly mexican blanket.
Those tribesmen will run in horror.

thecobrasnake cinespaceisgreat#7272

Glasses, Bangs, and a ciggarette.
What more can a pretentious douch want in life?

thecobrasnake cornflakes#0196

One bandana, two bandana, three bandana four!
Dude, leave the bandanas at home with your ugly mug.

thecobrasnake cornflakes#0028

Kelly Osbourne. New Hipster? Or old washed out Reality TV star?

thecobrasnake cobrabanger#8639

The Horror on her face in undeniable.
Or maybe it was just the Horrors preformance?

all out. off to eat my tkaeout and try to sleep


Bojana said...

Am I mad or Ck's wearing Prada socks in the whoreshorts picture? She doesn't do them justice

Emma said...

christ, hipsters. NOT SO HIP. since they all look the SAME, give or take some ironic accessories.

Mikey said...

blog, takeout, and an insult for everyone
What more can a pretentious blogger want in life?
talk about ironic accessories!